b&b collection

Digital Campaign Manager

Job disponibil in Bucuresti.

Are you a marketing professional looking for an opportunity to grow your digital marketing skills while working with a group of hardworking and driven co-workers? Do you have what it takes to drive the success of a fast paced, digital marketing programs? If so, join us as we pursue our vision to deliver the best experience for our customers.
B&B Collection is looking for a Digital Campaign Manager who will put together various online promotions, customer retention and e-mailing campaigns to get their company's message out. The role also includes analyzing web traffic, managing the audience database, audience segmentation and targeting, performing consumer research to discover other ways of reaching customers by way of the Internet.
The day-to-day:

Plan, prepare and execute integrated digital marketing campaigns with the aim of acquiring and retaining customers.

Manage the procedure, implementation, tracking and measurement of campaigns.

Ensure that the organization’s brand and identity is adhered to in campaigns and in all communication channels.

Write, edit and proofread copy for promotional materials within marketing campaigns. Ensure accuracy of marketing materials.

Manage the audience database, audience segmentation and targeting.

Brief and oversee the work of internal structures who will deliver different parts of the campaign activity.

Maintain regular measurement of the ROI of campaigns. Deliver regular reports of campaign results, including web analysis and evaluation of KPIs. Collect and use data to generate new campaigns.

Keep track of current trends in marketing.

The candidate should have:

- Experience in Online Marketing for at least 2 years.

- Experience in eCommerce is a solid plus.

- Good knowledge of Email Marketing.

- Good knowledge of Google Analytics.

- Experience with audience segmentation, campaign analysis and solid understanding of campaign metrics.

- Initiative, creativity and positive attitude will be appreciated.

This job will be based in Romania, Bucharest, central location.

Aplica acum:

(formate acceptate: .doc, .docx, .pdf), dimensiunea maxima 2.5 MB

Campurile marcate cu * sunt obligatorii.

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Temeiul prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal este reprezentat de art. 6 alin. 1 lit. b) din Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European si al Consiliului din 27.04.2016 privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal, respectiv: "prelucrarea este necesara [...]pentru a face demersuri la cererea persoanei vizate inainte de incheierea unui contract".
Exercitarea oricarui drept al persoanei vizate se face printr-o cerere expediata la adresa de email: dataprotection@bbcollection.ro.